Saturday, June 30, 2012

How A Dating Coach Can Help You Build Muscle ... - JCD Fitness

Today?s article is specifically for a group of guys I?ve been conversing with over the last few years through email, internet forums, and in passing at the gym. Today I plan to address some problems many beginners face when it comes to getting big and strong.

Strangely, none of these problems are physical. These guys are all fully capable, and in good health. The issue seems to lie deep within their psyche.

I?ve touched on some of this before in my Former Fat Boy Syndrome article, so if you found that one of value, you?ll surely resonate with today?s message.

WARNING: Some of the material I?m referencing (mainly the RSD video by Owen Cook) may be offensive to some of you. Just because I?m referencing this video doesn?t mean I agree with everything in it.

In saying that, if you?re easily offended, you probably want to refrain from watching the video and just pay attention to my article. I didn?t have to include the video, but the concepts Owen discusses about success and human nature need to be communicated and he does a very good job of that.

Background Info About The Video I?m Referencing Today

The video title is ?The Truth About Success 2 ? Execution, Learning From Failure, Not Being A Lazy Slug ? it?s a 2 hour presentation by Owen Cook, Co-Founder and Producer of Real Social Dynamics, the world?s largest dating coaching company.

Now I want you to know that we?re not talking about dating, picking up women or seduction techniques in this article. My website is not the proper avenue to teach guys how to build confidence and charisma when it comes to approaching women.

However, the reason I?m referencing this video is because many of the topics Owen discusses directly correlate with success in general. Owen Cook is a hard-working entrepreneur, and someone whom I have much respect for when it comes to achieving success in his respective field.

Owen travels the world teaching guys how to be confident in approaching women, and building relationships. Over the years, I?ve watched his talks and lectures evolve from teaching those how to be successful with women to lessons about achieving success, and living an enriched life.

Who Is This Article For?

  • Are you a dude who wants to get big and strong, but doesn?t know where to start?
  • Do you have an irrational fear of gaining body fat that keeps you from making any progress in the gym?
  • Do you keep making excuses about why you can?t build the physique you want?
  • Do you constantly change your mind about building muscle and losing body fat?

If this sounds like you, keep reading.

The primary roadblocks we?ll be discussing today are:

  • Information Overload
  • Irrational Fear of Fat Gain
  • Making Excuses and NOT TAKING ACTION

Free Advice Is Hardly Ever Taken Seriously

A few weeks ago, I got an email from a reader who I?d been conversing with since August 2011. He filled out a consultation request and it read the following:

  • Name is Matt
  • 17 yrs old
  • 5?5?
  • 140lbs (body fat: 14-16%)
  • I squat 230?5, bench 165?5, deadlift 305?5
  • I want to lose body fat and I?m extremely experienced with intermittent fasting

My first response was similar to this:

Hey Matt, First of all, you?re 17 and 140lbs ? you likely have no business dieting and how do you know so much about fasting? When I was your age, I didn?t even know what a calorie was, let alone intermittent fasting.

We went onto discuss exactly why I didn?t feel he should be dieting. And my reasoning was twofold.

  1. He was too young to think about dieting, especially at his body weight of 140lbs.
  2. He?s at a prime time in his life when he can grow rapidly if he?ll just lift heavy stuff and eat his mama?s home cooking.

We went back and forth about working together, but I was adamant he mustn?t diet! Needless to say we lost contact. No way was I going to let this kid do anything other than train heavy and stuff his face under my supervision.

So now we can fast-forward about 9 months. By this time, RogLaw and I?d begun our FitSmart podcast and had been discussing various topics about training, and nutrition.

We got to chatting about free advice and regardless of how great it is, no one ever takes it seriously.

It turns out Matt was listening to this episode.

So I get an email toward the end of May from Matt again. This time it was different ? he mentioned the podcast he listened to and felt obligated to give me an update. I?m sure glad he did.

I then learned after our exchange, he?d contacted my friend and mentor, Alan Aragon, who eventually gave him almost the exact advice I did: eat big, get strong and gain some body weight.

In his email, Matt shared with me that he finally took our advice, decided to get out of his own way, so to speak, begin eating well and training hard.

In about 12 weeks, he went from 140lbs to 160lbs, and added a significant amount of strength during this time frame (all numbers in pounds):

  • Bench: 160X5 ? 205X8
  • Overhead Press: 105X5 ? 135X8
  • Deadlift: 305X5 ? 380X3, 350X5,
  • Weighted Chins: BW ? BW+25X8

Turns out he didn?t gain much body fat in the process, and looks fuller, and thicker than he did before. But the best part of his transformation is not only that of his physique, but of his mind. He was hesitant at first to take our advice, forget about the fat-gain paranoia, and do what it takes.

Here?s how he ended the initial update email ? a thank-you for pushing him to do what we knew was best for him. The bold is my emphasis.

All I know is, for the first time in my life, I?ve built a physique that I?m genuinely proud of, and I can?t tell you just how awesome it feels. I know it?s nothing spectacular compared to most fitness junkies, but just having a respectable physique compared to most of my peers has given me a newfound confidence that has carried over to every area of my life.

Just wanted to say thanks again to people like yourself who helped push me in the right direction, even if it took awhile to get through my thick head.

Now there?s one thing I want you to remember here: THIS GUY IS 17 YEARS OLD. It?s pretty rare for dudes outside of athletic programs to take the advice of those older than them when it comes to strength training, and muscle gain.


Mainly because there is so much information out there ? much of which is so conflicting when comparing sources. Jason Ferruggia mentioned a few weeks ago that in order to be successful, you should probably get your information from only a few credible sources. The more books, articles, and resources you read, the more likely you are to find contrasting viewpoints.

Now there?s nothing wrong with having a broad knowledge base, but when you?re easily influenced, we must try to minimize the distractions.

Matt and I?s email conversation spanned over many exchanges and we eventually got on the phone for an interview. So, if you?re a young guy who?s ever been worried about fat gain, or afraid that you?re not doing the right things when it comes to training and eating for size, please listen to this interview I did with Matt.

We go over many of the pitfalls not only young guys, but beginners experience in general. Some of the topics discussed are the following:

  • Starting out ? how he used to curl more than he could bench
  • How his irrational fears crippled his efforts
  • Why his obsession with his physique made him smaller and weaker and how it affected other aspects of his life
  • How a few months of making no progress turned into a YEAR of no progress
  • How he finally took action, let go, and flipped the switch to experience success in strength and muscle gains
  • His dealing with the daily mental battles
  • What adding strength and size to his frame did for his confidence
  • Why he recommends to stop focusing on body composition and all the tiny details

Be sure to listen to his short interview (around 25 minutes): You can download the audio file by right clicking here and hitting ?save-as? or you can use the player below.

And now, you?re about to learn how a dating coach can help you experience massive success with your strength and muscle-building efforts.

And get this: he doesn?t even lift!

?Success is about focusing on what you want ? not focusing on what you don?t want.? ? Owen Cook, RSD

This principle applies to anything you want in life ? lots of money, healthy relationships, a significant other, etc. In this case, you probably want to be bigger and stronger than you currently are.

If you?re reading here, I don?t have to tell you that strength and mass is a product of eating well and getting stronger over time.

There?s NO other way around it.

In the video (36:30) Owen is talking about one of the simplest principles of success ? focusing on what you want, and not what you don?t want.

He?s teaching the guys that success is a narrow road, in which you must have a focused set of behaviors. As you walk along this narrow road, you?re going to mess up ? and to be successful, you have to keep course-correcting along the way.

Owen makes a great point where he essentially says don?t focus on the short-term results; focus on the behaviors that are conducive to success.

What does this matter? Because those who have been successful at getting big and strong all follow a certain set of proven processes and behaviors.

What are the proven processes and behaviors???

I think this is pretty apparent, but those who are big and strong all have a few things in common. They stuck to a well-designed strength or bodybuilding program for a matter of months (6-12) before making any major changes.

They ate above maintenance (more calories than they burned daily) and pushed their body weight up. They focused on strength gains and performance goals.

If you need a routine, or need to know how this process works, check out the how to build muscle guide for beginners. Also, check out the JCDFitness beginners muscle-building routine (free PDF download).

Let me give you an example of two guys.

The focused guy knows the path to success. He?s following a proven routine, and eating well each day. He?s been keeping record of his intake and his workouts.? Each week he?s getting stronger and noticing that his clothes are fitting tighter.

Despite the fact that his abs are not as pronounced as they were a few weeks ago doesn?t phase him. Why? He knows that his hard work is paying off. Plus, he?s enjoying his newfound confidence as his strength soars.

The scattered guy switches up his routine every other week. He continually changes his mind about dieting and bulking because he feels that he?s gaining fat too rapidly every time he eats over maintenance. He reads every piece of fitness info he can get his hands on and the differing opinions mess with his head.

His emotions control his decisions, which keeps him from sticking to any type of plan long enough to see results. He?ll probably continue this cycle for many months, and possibly years with no results to show for his haphazard efforts.

The difference between these guys is an understanding of the processes and behaviors that govern success.

Jahed Momand, a friend and accomplished weightlifter, who is now starting to coach others, says it best with the following quote:

?The most important thing you can do is keep going, and realize that your results, on any one day, are irrelevant. There will be ups and there will be downs.

Consistently getting under the bar is what we want, so ignore the daily results. Detach your ego from the outcome of any one particular day. The only thing that matters is you showed up.

Daily results are irrelevant in the long run, because it is the accumulation of your efforts and habits over time that determine what you get out of any diet or training program.??

? Jahed Momand

This is Matt?s story. He learned how to control his mind and his behaviors in a way that lead him to success.

Take home point:

Stick to the behaviors and processes that produce results ? discard everything else.

Now that we know there are indeed proven behaviors we must follow, let?s look at some of the pitfalls, along with ways to avoid them.

?Our biology tells us to maximize value and minimize time and effort? ? Owen Cook

At about 29:30, Owen says this phrase above, and every time I hear it I stop and think for a moment. We?ve grown as a species to make things easier. We want the greatest rewards without much effort.

This is not a bad thing entirely because technology has greatly improved our lives. I love writing articles on my iMac, as opposed to using a pencil and paper.

However, our current age also makes us lazy and susceptible to falling for voodoo marketing. Remember when I wrote Fitness Claims and Marketing ? How Our Emotions Control Us? This is a perfect example. Who doesn?t want abs in 7 minutes? Or who doesn?t want the fast track to muscle gain when a supplement ad claims you can add 10lbs of muscle in the next 5 days?

The old mantra is true: nothing worth having ever comes easily. It never works that way, and if it did, no one would appreciate success. Owen even says later in the video that he wouldn?t want to win the lottery because it would take away his drive and vigor to teach and build his business.

Don?t fall into the trap of believing this is an easy road. It?s not and I can tell you from experience. Don?t make this mistake.

Combat Your Irrational Fear of Fat Gain

?Our brains will rationalize almost anything that it thinks is in it?s best interest.? ? Owen Cook

In this segment of the video (about 1:09) Owen is telling the guys how some people get caught in this funk of laziness. In context, many guys are afraid to go out and initiate new friendships or relationships with girls. As a result, they will make excuses and come up with reasons why they can?t go out.

In short, their brains are making these excuses real to them, which causes them to develop an irrational belief that they can?t go out and thus, be successful meeting new women.

The same thing happens to the beginners who were either Former Fat Boys or the skinny-fat guys who have a death-like fear of adding an ounce of body fat. So what happens?

They typically under eat, and train too much in hopes of preventing any fat gain. But what typically happens is they get weaker and their body remains the same. Months and years go by without a single noticeable difference in their physique.

And it?s all based on a very irrational fear of adding slabs of body fat when over eating in the name of strength and size gains.

Here?s something you must realize.

No matter what, if you?re 150lbs and eating 1500 calories daily with the hopes of not adding any body fat, YOU WILL NOT REACH YOUR GOAL of a bigger, stronger physique.

This may sound a drastic approach to many, but I can assure you ? many people succumb to these types of behaviors over the irrational fear of fat gain.

First of all, if you?re eating well (at least 14-15xbody weight in kcals ? much more for some guys) and training 3-4 times per week, you?ll make strength gains and even build some muscle. You may have to eat more depending on how active you are.

But chronically eating much less than maintenance will forever keep you small and weak.

Keep doing this and YOU WILL FAIL.

?Failure is the default of not taking action.? ? Owen Cook

At 34:30, Owen is giving a talk about how you need to have a good mindset, and a hope that things will work out in your favor, but without a plan and actually taking action toward your goals, failure is in your future.

He even goes onto say that we must have a rational paranoia (I love this) of failure.

So what?

It means that you must be so afraid of not making progress that you do everything in your power to avoid looking back a year later to see no changes in your physique.

How will that make you feel knowing you wasted a year or longer because you couldn?t get it together?

It?s going to suck. You?re gonna be pissed that you didn?t listen to others. You?ll be frustrated that you couldn?t shut off the voice in your head telling you that you?re going to get fat if you eat a caloric surplus.

Let me elaborate ? I found this thread I found on Reddit and it?s a classic case.

As you see in the screenshot, he?s freaked out about eating over maintenance due to recently losing a lot of fat. Now, I don?t know this guy, but my hunch tells me he?ll let his irrational fear of gaining back the fat keep him from making any positive changes to his physique with regards to muscle gain.

He?ll probably start out training, and eating well, but as soon as he thinks he sees a hint of fat gain, he?ll cut calories drastically and begin an endless cycle that will result in failure.

Okay, so enough preaching. I hope you get the point. If you don?t take action, and control your thoughts, you?re going to lose at this game. And you will be very, very disappointed.

Plan Of Action

I came across a short post by Ryan Holiday the other night and it fits perfect with this theme. It?s titled Take Little Steps.

And here are your little steps to success.

  • Pick a training routine and stick with it for at least 6 months ? I don?t care what you choose as long as it?s within the realm of being good for a beginner. Think of Starting Strength, Stronglifts, Syatt?s routine or mine.
  • Commit to eating well for the entire time you?re training ? follow the guides Jordan and I laid out in the Muscle Building Guide for Beginners.
  • Cut your fitness reading down significantly ? pick 5-10 sources of your favorite info and read a little from those daily (maybe an article or two per day). This will ensure fitness info doesn?t flood your brain 24/7.
  • Focus on the journey, not the destination ? try to have fun every day and don?t let one or two bad sessions determine how you feel about where you?re headed. Realize that you?ve set a goal for yourself and that you?ll reach this goal by taking small, daily steps to eat and train well.
  • Cut out the thoughts that do not serve you ? Something else Jahed introduced me to was self-talk that can instantly change your state. If you find yourself pondering a thought that is not serving you, stop and say to yourself ?this thought does not serve me,? or ?this thought is not productive.? And then forget about it.
  • Develop a very real and rational paranoia that you will fail ? Don?t dwell on the negative thoughts, but remember this: if you don?t take these steps daily, you will fail ? don?t look back a year from now wishing you?d have taken my advice in this article.

Go forth. Eat, lift and be merry.


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Friday, June 29, 2012

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15 Great Films About Failing Relationships | The Playlist

After doing the rounds on VoD for a few weeks, where many of you will have seen it, Sarah Polley's "Take This Waltz" starts to roll out in theaters from tomorrow, and we can't recommend it enough; it's a messy, sometimes frustrating film, but a deeply felt, beautifully made and wonderfully acted one, and we named it last week as one of the best of the year so far. It is not, however, recommended as a date movie, fitting into a long cinematic tradition of painful examinations of broken, decaying, collapsing or dead relationships.

After all, it's one of the more universal human experiences; unless you get very lucky, everyone who falls in love will at some point have the wrenching experience of falling out of it, or being fallen out of love with. And when done best in film, it can be bruising and borderline torturous for a filmmaker and an audience, but also cathartic and healing. To mark the opening of "Take This Waltz" (and again, we can't emphasize enough that you should go and see it), we've pulled together a selection of our favorite films revolving around the end of love affairs, relationships and marriages. Of course, it's a subjective and somewhat random selection, and certainly not definitive, so if we've missed your favorite, you can speak your piece in the comments section below.

"5x2" (2003)
The concept of telling a story backwards is not, at this point, a boldly original one; Harold Pinter had done it with "Betrayal" decades ago, and Francois Ozon's "5x2," which like the Pinter play shows the dissolution of a relationship over the years, starting at the end and picking up with the first meeting, followed right on the heels of both Christopher Nolan's "Memento" and Gaspar Noe's "Irreversible." But Ozon's piece is defined not just by its tight formalism -- as the title might suggest, 5 self-contained scenes of roughly equal length -- but by what it doesn't show, what's absent in the gaps of months and years that we don't see. Beginning with the divorce hearing of Gilles (St?phane Freiss) and Marion (Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi), after which they go to a hotel for one final fuck, we track back through a dinner party that shows their relationship in its final fractures, the birth of their child, their wedding night, and their first meeting, each sketched out with the director's fine ability to say a lot with a little, and never feeling gimmicky in its structure. It's a bleak film, to be certain -- as with Noe's, the 'happiness' of the ending/beginning is undercut by what we've seen coming before/after. But there's also a specificity and a compassion to the relationship in question; no one partner is more at fault than the other, and it feels more that they're two people who simply weren't ever meant to be together. It's one of the most incisive and powerful films about marriage in recent memory, and deserves entirely to sit alongside Bergman, Fassbinder, Nichols et al.

?An Unmarried Woman? (1978)
Less the depiction of a crumbling relationship, like most of the films in this piece, than a portrait of what happens in the aftermath. Something of a mainstream breakthrough for Paul Mazursky, one of American cinema's more underrated talents (the man behind "Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice," "Down and Out in Beverly Hills" and "Enemies: A Love Story," among others). It's a pretty simple set-up; well-to-do New Yorker Erica (Jill Clayburgh) thinks she has pretty much the perfect life, which swiftly implodes when her husband (Michael Murphy) tells her he's in love with another woman. She gets divorced, goes into therapy, starts dipping her toes into the dating scene, and eventually falls for a British artist (Alan Bates). Aspects of the film feel a little dated at this point -- not least Bill Conti's score -- but Mazursky treats everything with a light touch without ever sacrificing character integrity, and creates something close to a contemporaneous equivalent to the 'women's pictures' of the 1940s. Mazursky always wrote well for women -- as is clear in the scenes with Erica and her friends, which are forthright and funny, a clear precursor to something like "Sex & The City" -- but Erica might be his finest creation, a complex, ever-evolving character, and Clayburgh (who sadly passed away in 2010, having completed a wonderful cameo in "Bridesmaids"), in a career-best performance, makes every inch of her transformation into not just an 'unmarried' woman, but an independent one, credible and compelling; one can't help but feel she was a little cheated when Jane Fonda beat her to the Oscar for "Coming Home" (the film and screenplay were also nominated). It says something about the lack of progression in Hollywood that a part like this still feels like a rarity.

"Blue Valentine" (2010)
In one of the more head scratching rulings handed down by the MPAA, Derek Cianfrance?s brutal look at a dissolving relationship got hit with the dreaded NC-17 rating for a scene involving cunnilingus (a longstanding no-no for the organization, see ?Boys Don?t Cry?). With the R-rating restored, the picture was free to open in theaters - a premiere that was a long time coming, and immensely bolstered the reputations of Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling. While the former received an Academy Award nomination, the latter was inexplicably shut out, but not to worry, ?Blue Valentine? is hardly an awards-driven picture, opting instead for an emotionally hectic, complex and naturalistically acted record of spouses fighting to reignite a passion that has tragically eluded them. Cutting between the youthful past of promise and possibility and a crushing present where even the air feels hesitant to intrude on some of the conversations, Cianfrance lays bare all the things people choose not to talk about until you beg him to stop. Williams and Gosling are unforgettable and ?Blue Valentine? a simple story masterfully told.


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Gameflynews: PlayStation 3: Why Acquire This Gaming Console ...

Sony is among the leading producers of gaming consoles today. Compared to other consoles, Sony's gaming consoles are integrated with the latest innovative know-how in graphics and sound, which will give you and your family prime quality dwelling entertainment.Sony's line of PlayStation is likely one of the most profitable gaming consoles within the market. In truth, it is so successful that many individuals all around the world choose PlayStation gaming consoles than other totally different gaming consoles developed by other companies.Simply think about a gaming console with a large library of widespread video games with realistic graphics and sound that may nearly take you within the sport and make you're feeling as in case you are the character and never just enjoying the sport itself. In case you played a PlayStation before, you know how entertaining it is and you also know what kind of advantages that PlayStation gaming consoles can contribute to your home leisure systems.Right this moment, Sony will likely be officially releasing their much-anticipated PlayStation 3 on November 2006 in Japan, United States, and in Canada in that order. PlayStation 3 guarantees to ship excessive-quality gaming experience for everyone within the world. With the latest graphics chip installed and with the most effective processor obtainable for game consoles, PlayStation 3 will definitely provide you with and your family high quality entertainment.Though the modern design of the PlayStation three is purely for aesthetics purposes, you can by no means deny the fact that the outer shell design will look good with your house entertainment system. PlayStation three also has Bluetooth wi-fi controllers that you should use for optimum consolation and delight whilst you play the game.PlayStation 3 may also be built-in with Wi-Fi know-how that can enable you to play online PlayStation three video games with totally different folks all around the world. Because of this, it is possible for you to to play with your personal custom-made character on-line and battle in opposition to other people from everywhere in the world or make new mates in the virtual group the place you possibly can go on cooperative missions.There are other equipment that you could benefit from PlayStation 3. It has an upgradeable laborious disk, and it will even be integrated with the Blu-ray drive. Additionally, PlayStation three will also be built-in with USB ports and the HDMI. With an HDMI function, it is possible for you to to play games on your Excessive Definition TV with superior quality.The Blu-ray drive is an advanced disc format that will be capable to hold information five occasions more than that of a DVD. The Blu-ray drive will have the ability to play varied disc media codecs like your old PlayStation and PlayStation 2 video games, your audio CDs, your DVDs and others. This means that you can be getting more aside from a game console. The PlayStation 3 will have the ability to play your DVD motion pictures and it will also be capable of play your audio CDs.Now that you've got a number of reasons why you should buy Sony PlayStation three instead of the other main gaming consoles out there available in the market presently, you must also know that the PlayStation three is an extremely anticipated gaming console today. It's best to anticipate that many individuals will likely be lining up to purchase PlayStation three all over the world and this why you must also take into account preordering a PlayStation three before it's even released in the market.By preordering your individual PlayStation three, you can make sure that you'll own a PlayStation 3 upon the official launch of this gaming console on November 2006 within the United States, and in Canada. Purchase PlayStation three now by preordering it online or by preordering it on your nearest Sony PlayStation three retail outlets.Pei P. Pozzobon

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

European leaders seek roadmap for future growth

BRUSSELS (AP) ? Economic growth was the mantra among European leaders as they began a crucial summit on Thursday, though expectations of a breakthrough on the explosive issue of pooling government debt appeared to have fallen by the wayside.

European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Olli Rehn said he expected leaders would agree on new growth measures, as well as on action to reduce borrowing rates for Spain and Italy, which are approaching unmanageable levels.

"I expect that there will be a decision on a further step toward rebuilding the economic and monetary union," Rehn said shortly before the summit began. "We also need concrete decisions on a short-term stabilization of financial markets, especially sovereign debt markets."

But German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has resolutely opposed the issuing of mutual debt ? known as eurobonds ? has only stiffened her position.

Many leaders have backed the idea of eurobonds because they would spread debt risk, lowering indebted countries' borrowing rates. But Merkel has been reluctant to expose her country to new costs, and is concerned eurobonds would ease the pressure on countries like Greece and Spain to reform their economies.

"I think we should stop talking about eurobonds now because, with the German government's 'no,' with this definitive 'no' from Mrs. Merkel, eurobonds are now a non-issue," the president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, said Thursday.

"I personally continue to see it as a good solution, a sensible one, but there is no sense in conducting theoretical debates when the house is on fire," Schulz told Germany's ZDF television.

While pressure on Merkel has been building, she is not alone in her opposition to have EU countries accrue joint debt. Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfelt said Thursday that what was needed was not mutual debt but more financial reforms by Europe's trouble countries ? measures he said would make them more competitive.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, too, spoke forcefully Thursday against mutual debt.

"We only solve Europe's problems by respecting past agreements and by making markets function better. The only way out of this crisis is to help southern European nations, provided they accept responsibility and strict criteria," Rutte said.

Investors are looking for signs of a clear strategy to deal with the debt crisis. They are not hopeful, though, and sold off stocks across Europe on Thursday as European leaders prepared for the summit.

"The good news is that this time around expectations are very low; the bad news is that the main players seem to be diametrically opposed when it comes to a strategy for ending the crisis," said Gary Jenkins, managing director of Swordfish Research, a London-based consulting firm.

The French plan to stimulate growth, and thereby increase government tax revenues, is relatively modest. Although worth ?130 billion ($162 billion), it is expected to consist mostly of European funds already earmarked for development.

Far more urgent is finding a way to keep the cost of borrowing money sustainable for weaker EU countries.

The leaders of Italy, France and Spain have been pressing Germany to agree to share debts before markets push the 17-nation Eurozone closer to collapse. The EU's top officials and the International Monetary Fund have argued the same.

But Merkel isn't budging. She has argued repeatedly that short-term solutions such as pooled debt or a more active European Central Bank are useless unless some form of central control is established over national budgets.

While they may not change Merkel's mind, leaders who avoided confronting her in the past may not hold back now.

Italy's Prime Minister Mario Monti, at risk of losing his job because of voter frustration with budget cutbacks, said Wednesday in Brussels that Italians have made great sacrifices and gotten their country's deficit under control but the yields on Italian debt have soared to one-year highs anyway.

If Italians become discouraged, Monti warned, of the possible rise of "political forces which say 'let European integration, let the euro, let this or that large country go to hell', which would be a disaster for the whole of the European Union."

Monti said he's ready to work until Sunday night ? instead of the scheduled Friday end of the summit ? to ensure that leaders produce a growth package convincing enough to calm financial markets.

Spain's prime minister is sounding especially desperate.

"The most urgent issue is financing," Mariano Rajoy said. "We can't continue for a long time to finance ourselves with these prices; there are many institutions and financial entities that don't have access to financial markets."

Simon Tilford of the Center for Economic Reform said, "We're seeing the French, Italians and Spanish showing a greater readiness to act as one."

In the past, they were reluctant to isolate Merkel, he said.

"But that flexible approach ... has delivered very little. They have grown alarmed and frustrated," he said. "If anyone is to lead the charge, it may be Monti, he is the one who has the most credibility on the European stage" ? and the most to lose if pressure on Merkel fails.

While France has been the traditional partner ? and counterweight ? to Germany in European dealings in the past, President Francois Hollande has just seven weeks of governing under his belt, and built his career as a consensus-builder. And his country's economy is weaker, with growth forecast at just 0.4 percent this year.

Hollande was grinning broadly Wednesday night at the one concession he has been able to wring from Merkel so far, an agreement to put growth on the European agenda alongside austerity measures.

Merkel, standing stiffly at Hollande's side ahead of bilateral talks in Paris, agreed to push for the ?130 billion ($162 billion) stimulus package that Hollande has vaunted, even though it is largely just a re-packaging of existing EU funds.

Even if leaders of all 26 other EU nations line up against Merkel, she cannot bend very far.

She needs the German Parliament to approve the eurozone's permanent rescue fund, the European Stability Mechanism, and a European budget-discipline pact, both expected to happen Friday. And many measures floated as possible solutions could require changes to Germany's constitution.

Amid calls for Greece or other Mediterranean states ? and even Germany ? to pull out of the euro, Merkel argued Wednesday for greater unity.

"We need more Europe. Markets are waiting for that."


Charlton reported from Paris. Geir Moulson in Berlin and Toby Sterling in Brussels contributed to this report. Don Melvin can be reached at

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[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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US mammograms decline after task force recommendation, Mayo Clinic finds

US mammograms decline after task force recommendation, Mayo Clinic finds [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jun-2012
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Contact: Shelly Plutowski
Mayo Clinic

ROCHESTER, Minn. -- Preventive mammography rates in women in their 40s have dropped nearly 6 percent nationwide since the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended against routine mammograms for women in this age group, a Mayo Clinic analysis shows. That represents a small but significant decrease since the controversial guidelines were released, the researchers say. Their findings are being presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, June 24-26, in Orlando, Fla.

"The 2009 USPSTF guidelines resulted in significant backlash among patients, physicians and other organizations, prompting many medical societies to release opposing guidelines," says co-author Nilay Shah, Ph.D., a researcher at the Mayo Clinic Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery. "We were interested in determining the impact that the recommendations and subsequent public debate had upon utilization of mammography in younger women."

Using a large, national representative database of 100 health plans, researchers identified the number of screening mammograms performed between January 2006 and December 2010, and compared rates before and after the task force report. Nearly 8 million women ages 40 to 64 were included in the analysis.

Comparing mammography rates before and after publication of the new guidelines, researchers found that the recommendations were associated with a 5.72 percent decrease in the mammography rate for women ages 40-49. Over a year, nearly 54,000 fewer mammograms were performed in this age group.

"For the first year after the guidelines changed, there was a small but significant decrease in the rate of mammography for women ages 40?," Dr. Shah says. "This is consistent with the context of the guidelines change. A modest effect is also in line with the public resistance to the guidelines change and the subsequent release of conflicting guidelines."

Mammography Screening: What Mayo Clinic Recommends

Mayo Clinic continues to recommend an annual screening mammogram beginning at age 40, in line with recommendations from the American Cancer Society. Mayo uses a three-tiered approach:

  • Breast health awareness, which includes a woman becoming familiar with her breasts to identify breast abnormalities or changes and to inform her doctor of any changes that may need further evaluation.
  • A clinical breast exam performed by a health care provider and recommended annually beginning at age 40.
  • Screening mammography beginning at age 40.

Screening mammograms can detect breast abnormalities early in women in their 40s. Findings from a large study in Sweden of more than 1 million women in their 40s who received screening mammograms showed a 29 percent decline in breast cancer deaths.

"Screening mammography is not a perfect exam, but it is the best available tool to detect cancer early," says Sandhya Pruthi, M.D., director of Mayo Clinic's Breast Clinic. "Early detection can lead to better options and possibly less-aggressive treatments."


About Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life. For more information, visit and

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

US mammograms decline after task force recommendation, Mayo Clinic finds [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jun-2012
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Contact: Shelly Plutowski
Mayo Clinic

ROCHESTER, Minn. -- Preventive mammography rates in women in their 40s have dropped nearly 6 percent nationwide since the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended against routine mammograms for women in this age group, a Mayo Clinic analysis shows. That represents a small but significant decrease since the controversial guidelines were released, the researchers say. Their findings are being presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, June 24-26, in Orlando, Fla.

"The 2009 USPSTF guidelines resulted in significant backlash among patients, physicians and other organizations, prompting many medical societies to release opposing guidelines," says co-author Nilay Shah, Ph.D., a researcher at the Mayo Clinic Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery. "We were interested in determining the impact that the recommendations and subsequent public debate had upon utilization of mammography in younger women."

Using a large, national representative database of 100 health plans, researchers identified the number of screening mammograms performed between January 2006 and December 2010, and compared rates before and after the task force report. Nearly 8 million women ages 40 to 64 were included in the analysis.

Comparing mammography rates before and after publication of the new guidelines, researchers found that the recommendations were associated with a 5.72 percent decrease in the mammography rate for women ages 40-49. Over a year, nearly 54,000 fewer mammograms were performed in this age group.

"For the first year after the guidelines changed, there was a small but significant decrease in the rate of mammography for women ages 40?," Dr. Shah says. "This is consistent with the context of the guidelines change. A modest effect is also in line with the public resistance to the guidelines change and the subsequent release of conflicting guidelines."

Mammography Screening: What Mayo Clinic Recommends

Mayo Clinic continues to recommend an annual screening mammogram beginning at age 40, in line with recommendations from the American Cancer Society. Mayo uses a three-tiered approach:

  • Breast health awareness, which includes a woman becoming familiar with her breasts to identify breast abnormalities or changes and to inform her doctor of any changes that may need further evaluation.
  • A clinical breast exam performed by a health care provider and recommended annually beginning at age 40.
  • Screening mammography beginning at age 40.

Screening mammograms can detect breast abnormalities early in women in their 40s. Findings from a large study in Sweden of more than 1 million women in their 40s who received screening mammograms showed a 29 percent decline in breast cancer deaths.

"Screening mammography is not a perfect exam, but it is the best available tool to detect cancer early," says Sandhya Pruthi, M.D., director of Mayo Clinic's Breast Clinic. "Early detection can lead to better options and possibly less-aggressive treatments."


About Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life. For more information, visit and

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What Is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

10:01 PM By Article Directory

'; div.innerHTML = summary; } //]]> What Is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)? What Is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

Service oriented architecture has gained more popularity with its acronym SOA. But have we ever submerged ourselves a little deep in order to split the basic questions in which everyone gets entwined.

Is SOA a Product or a Technology? Neither it is a technology and definitely not a product. It is a computing methodology that endows with a strategy to architect your IT milieu to respond speedily & cost effectively for business transformation. Or in simpler terms it is the technical facilitator for the today's businesses to competently team up with the other trades & react promptly to the constantly-altering market circumstances at an abridged outlay.

SOA, A Hot Tech Buzz Word - How? Yes, SOA's rising popularity has made it the latest and hottest tech buzz in the www. Era. It is prefixed with almost every product and service today because of the noteworthy benefits that it amasses for them. But this term has to be understood alon g with appreciating the challenges that come with it. It is an answer to the demanding consumers by making businesses agile and helping them survive in context to the survival of the fittest.

Features Illustrated The prominent features in the services in SOA can be stated as under:-

Elemental Building Blocks Can be used disjointedly or as a package Used for compound functionality and customersSOA's Principles For a better understanding of the topic some of the core principles of SOA can be exemplified as:- Discoverability It permits the internal & external customers & systems to discern the services offered by a business through an industry standard registry. Loose-Coupling It consents the business processes to be defined as distinct services, yet grant a mechanism for the services to assimilate and switch over data and messages on a need basis. Composability It facilitates the business to combine existing service into one service offering. This negates obliteration of services and plays down formation of new services. Reusability It lets the businesses to influence existing resources & services without having to generate new ones. Though reuse is not a new-fangled concept, with SOA it acquires a whole new connotation - reuse of business processes in part or full. Interoperability The business will be able to integrate two or more services if the integration points & information exchanged are standardized. Alliance With alliance, a business' competence to proffer services by teaming up with external companies will amplify exponentially.

The above can also be taken as the benefits that accrue to the businesses from SOA.

SOA Implementation The implementation of SOA can be discussed under the three different types of approaches, namely:- Top Down Approach A near utopian solution for organizations building IT infrastructure ground up, for the first time Meticulous & full analysis of business requirements precedes recognition & implementation of services Bottom Up Approach A practical strategy- executed on the foundation of an existing IT infrastructure Permits maximum reuse, implementation precise to existing business requirements Down Side: Probability to diverge from service- oriented concepts is high, owing to no preliminary analysis of the total IT landscape Meeting the Middle ApproachAn optimal Strategy Advocates analysis from a long term standpoint & analogous implementation Reuses existing infrastructure to deliver today's business needs.

Is SOA different from distributed computing or Object Oriented Methodology or Application Service Providers (ASP's)?

SOA is a methodology that evolved over the years taking into account quite a number of computing methodologies & merging it with the business demands of today. It is now mature and is adopted by numerous enterprises universally.Discoverability & Compatibility are two chief distinguishing factors of SOA.

Is SOA different from distributed computing or Object Oriented Methodology or Application Service Providers (ASP's)?

SOA is a methodology that evolved over the years taking into account quite a number of computing methodologies & merging it with the business demands of today. It is now mature and is adopted by numerous enterprises universally. Discoverability & Compatibility are two chief distinguishing factors of SOA. Discoverability - conceptualizes the end clie nts from the location, execution & IT infrastructure of SOA based system. This gives massive suppleness and supplementary security to organizations hosting an SOA based system. Composability on the other hand facilitates composition of business processes on the fly, based on the end-client's requirements. It benefits are enumerated as under:- Reuse of existing implementations of business processes. Custom Empowerment - capability to choose the option customer wants Reduced time to market for new services

A Common Misconception It is a very common misconception that SOA is none other than the Web services itself. But this point needs a clear clarification and that is; Web service is a technology whereas SOA is a methodology. One can implement a methodology utilizing a technology and web services specifically play this role in the context of SOA that has been stated a few words before. Since web-services prop up the core SOA principles, it has become one of the most favored choices.

Benefits that accrue from SOA

Appends value to businesses guaranteed Saves money Augments productivity Trims down / Eliminates Re-Engineering Helps in building agile systems

As the Creative Head of A3Logics Shubraa is responsible for evangelizing the benefits of eminent content to emerging software outsourcing companies. With over 6 years of experience managing global campaigns for enterprise application development companies large & small, Shubraa now shares her lead generation & content writing insights with the small businesses community, helping them improve the content standard & promote their business online as cost effectively as possible.

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Program, Budget and Finance chair announces hearings structure

[Episcopal News Service] Diane Pollard, the chair of the Episcopal Church?s Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance posted the following announcement on the committee?s blog June 24.

?During the past three months, members of the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance have been attending provincial synod meetings in order to present the Draft Budget of the Executive Council. During our presentations we announced the process for conducting hearings at the General Convention. We indicated that two of the three hearings would be conducted in a conversational form ? with individuals seated at round tables and engaging in conversation with members of the PB&F committee. At a recent provincial synod meeting concerns were voiced questioning if this form would satisfy the definition of an open hearing. We have looked into this and decided that all three of the hearings [scheduled for 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. July 4, and 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. July 6 and 7] will be conducted in the form of individual testimony.

?We appreciate the input that has caused us to decide on this change in our process. We hope that all who plan to attend the hearings will come prepared with statements that are clear and concise. Because of time constraints, we anticipate limiting individual comments to two minutes. I look forward to seeing you in Indianapolis.?

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Vacancy - Part Time Community Safety Development Officer

Edinburgh (3 days per week)
Salary ?10,800 per annum (?18,000 FTE)

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is the country?s leading safety charity, with a mission to save lives and reduce injuries. We have been at the heart of accident prevention in the UK and around the world for more than 90 years and our work encompasses safety in the home, on the road, at work and during leisure activities, and the promotion of safety education for children and young people.

An exciting part time position for a Community Safety Development Officer has arisen with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents at our Edinburgh office. As part of a small team, the officer will facilitate home and water safety projects, handle enquiries and carry out support duties to ensure effective delivery of grant funded work programmes.

The successful candidate will be expected to develop and deliver the annual home safety work programme in Scotland as well as promote RoSPA?s authoritative influence through the research and provision of appropriate and accurate home and water safety services, information and advice.

Applicants must be educated to degree level or equivalent, have well developed verbal and written communication skills, excellent administration skills and good interpersonal skills.

It is essential that you are able to work on your own initiative and as a team member and have experience in, or empathy, with safety agendas. Experience in developing and maintaining relationships with key contacts is preferred.

If you are interested in applying for this role, please complete a declaration form, which can be accessed below and send together with your CV to: Anna Meade, HR Officer, RoSPA House, 28 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 1RP or email

Previous applicants need not re-apply.

Closing Date: Friday July 6, 2012. Interviews will be held on July 18 and 19, 2012.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents welcomes applications for employment from all sections of the community, irrespective of age, gender, marital status, disability, ethnicity, religion or sexuality.

To view PDF documents on the RoSPA website you will need to download and install a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, most computers will already have this software installed.

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Metals - Venezuela - FMO union leaders reiterate need for govt support

By Harvey Beltr?n?/?Business News Americas


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A group of union leaders from Venezuelan iron ore producer Ferrominera Orinoco (FMO) met with various government officials to reiterate the call for the government to provide support for the company.

"We are calling for the reactivation of the company's productive apparatus, but with support from the government to give us a boost and get the company back to its production levels," Sintraferrominera labor union secretary Alfredo Spooner told BNamericas.

Spooner participated in some meetings recently with science, technology and industry minister Ricardo Men?ndez, foreign affairs minister Nicol?s Maduro and the president of state heavy industry holding CVG, Rafael Gil Barrios, in which help for the basic materials industries was requested from the government.

One result of the meetings was the establishment of roundtables and on July 17, a meeting will be held with the ministers of each area to work through investment issues at the basic industries companies, Spooner said.

Given that the companies did not make layoffs during the sector crisis, as well as the fact that the companies are still productive enterprises where sales do not compensate for the production costs, they are asking that the government consider financing for these plants, he said.

"Looking at the cost of producing one ton of iron ore, for FMO, it is over US$80, while elsewhere in the world, it is below US$80. What's more, the FMO workers have better benefits than workers in other places. This situation has to be compensated for," he said.

FMO produced 4.2Mt in Q1, a 6% increase compared to the same period last year, when output totaled 4.03Mt.

FMO's production goal for 2012 is 20Mt, compared to the 17Mt produced in 2011.

FMO, headquartered in Puerto Ordaz, is a subsidiary of CVG. The company supplies ore to Venezuela's iron and steel processors, in addition to exporting products to Europe, Asia and Latin America.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Apple MacBook Pro (13-inch, Summer 2012)

Apple MacBook Pro (13-inch, Summer 2012)

Product Rating: Rated 3.5 / 5 Stars

$1,188.00 - $1,199.99 at 5 online stores

Last Updated: June 23, 2012

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Building plots for sale | Real Estate | Post Free Ads Internet | Post ...

23 June, 2012 at 3:11 pm in Real Estate

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Land developers and builders

Mega Residential Project in Hosur

Real estate developer, plots for sale in Hosur, property developer, Real estate ads, Hosur land for sale, hosur villas, Lands in Hosur, Bangalore real estate land developer.


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It is not as if Hosur doesn't have anything other than its proximity to Bangalore going for it. It has been an industrial hub for more than two decades now and home to the manufacturing plants of Ashok Leyland, Titan Industries, TTK Prestige, Reckitt Benckiser, Hindustan Lever, Carborandum Universal and TVS Motors. So, the basic infrastructure is firmly in place. "Hosur's potential to become a prime outlying suburb of Bangalore, on the lines of Noida and Gurgaon for Delhi and Navi Mumbai for Mumbai, has been largely under utilized.


??????? Main Entrance architecturally Designed Arch


??????? Provision for Club House


??????? Rapidly developing and appreciating location.


??????? Landscaped gardens and Parks to add a touch of green.


??????? A well-designed kids park area.


??????? 24/7 well trained and well equipped security men guarding the layout.


??????? All round compound wall


??????? Electricity supply with street lights


??????? Avenue plantation


??????? 24 hours uninterrupted water supply through over head tank.


??????? Water connection to every plot.


??????? Wide black top roads


??????? Box type water drainage


??????? Sewage treatment plant and underground sewage connection to every plot.


??????? Sanitary connection to each site.


??????? Provision for commercial.


RS 299/- Per Sq ft [Special offer]

For more details contact: 9663888691, 9538892597

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With best regards




Thanks and Regards

????????? Pasha

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