Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chevron profit drops on lower oil output, maintenance

(Reuters) - Chevron Corp posted much lower-than-expected quarterly earnings on Friday as maintenance exacerbated a steady decline in oil and natural gas production and as a huge fire at one of the company's California plants hit the refining business.

Shares of the second-largest U.S. oil company fell more than 1 percent in early trading.

Increasing output has been a struggle for many big oil companies, including Exxon Mobil Corp and Royal Dutch Shell Plc. With oil and gas assets tightly controlled by the countries where they are located, the majors are left to drill in pricier regions on land and offshore.

Chevron's third-quarter oil and gas production fell to 2.52 million barrels of oil equivalent per day from 2.60 million bpd a year earlier. On quarter-to-quarter basis, the production number declined for the third period in a row.

Net income in the quarter fell to $5.25 billion, or $2.69 per share, from $7.83 billion, or $3.92 per share, a year earlier.

Earnings dropped 17 percent to $5.1 billion in the oil and gas production business and plunged 65 percent to $689 million in the refining, or downstream, operation.

"Downstream was the primary culprit behind the miss," Simmons & Co analysts said in a note to investors. The reported profit included about $600 million from an asset sale gain, offset by a negative foreign exchange impact, they said.

Leaving out certain items, Chevron earned $2.55 per share, compared with the analysts' average estimate of $2.83, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Chief Executive Officer John Watson said the earnings were weighed down by heavy planned oilfield maintenance. Pricing for the company's output was also weaker, in part because of the now-oversupplied U.S. market for natural gas liquids. The quarter's average Brent oil price of $110 per barrel was down $2 from a year earlier.

A storm cut into Gulf of Mexico production, while planned maintenance in Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom caused the majority of the production decline outside the United States, according to Chevron.

The company had already warned last month that the crude unit at its oldest refinery in Richmond, California, would remain offline through the fourth quarter after it was badly damaged in an August 6 fire.

Shares of Chevron were down 1.2 percent at $110.10 in early trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

(Reporting by Braden Reddall in San Francisco; Editing by Gerald E. McCormick and Lisa Von Ahn)


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Dignity at the End of Life ? The Catholic Free Press

? Links to End-of-Life Resources

? Accepting assisted suicide creates climate for all suicide

? Oregon doctor finds support for compassionate care

? Palliative care fits Catholic health mission, but too few aware of it

? Different paths bring doctors, patients to palliative care, hospice

By Gina Curini
Special to The CFP

When faced with a situation in which life-sustaining means are necessary to assist a patient, how can we know what is or is not appropriate, acceptable, required or optional? The answers come case by case, as circumstances are too varied and nuanced to make blanket pronouncements.
In his presentation, ?Care and Treatment Decisions for Compromised Patients or Patients at the End of Life,? Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D., discussed how to employ medical technology ethically.?Father Pacholczyk is the director of education for the National Catholic Bioethics Center. He was one of the speakers at the ?To Live Each Day with Dignity? conference held at Assumption College, sponsored by the diocesan Respect Life Office and the Worcester Guild of the Catholic Medical Association.
As human beings, created by God, we are not owners of our own lives, but rather stewards of the gift of our lives, Father Pacholczyk said paraphrasing the introduction to Part Five of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. In other words, we owe God a life well-lived, he said. To live well imposes a duty that we must use our reason to make prudential judgments, especially in regard to technology and life-sustaining measures, he said. Making informed decisions is the only way of achieving peace of mind when we are faced with the fears either of becoming totally dependent on extreme measures to sustain life, or of not having adequate care.
Each situation has its own difficulties, nuances and circumstances to understand, he noted. To assist in making these decisions, the National Catholic Bioethics Center has published ?A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions.? Additionally, the NCBC offers access to an on-call ethicist who will help look at pertinent information needed to make an informed decision. (The telephone number is 215-877-2660.) ?A few of the considerations to be weighed include: the success rate of a treatment or procedure, risks and side effects, the individual?s physical and moral resources, expense, burdens on others, and access to treatment.
Another important issue that Father Pacholczyk raised was the need for a good advance medical directive and the naming of a health care proxy or surrogate.?In a situation where you, as the patient, cannot make your desires for treatment known, it?s imperative to safeguard your rights, he warned.
Today there are such options as a generic living will, a ?Five Wishes? document or Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatments (MOLST) here in Massachusetts.? All three have severe limitations, he explained.
?A living will is really sort of like writing a blank check,? said Father Pacholczyk, ?because you really don?t have this ability to prognosticate or know what?s going to happen to you.?
The problem with the ?Five Wishes? is that it over-simplifies the end-of-life planning process and it uses broad terms lacking nuances that often arise; moreover, it is not always applicable, he said.
MOLST is extremely dangerous in that it gives the doctor all the power over treatment options, he said.? It omits and supersedes a specific proxy and allows for the very opposite of ?informed consent.?
Father Pacholczyk suggested using both an advance medical directive and two surrogates or proxies.
In regards to the advance medical directive, Father Pacholczyk said, ?When you do your end-of-life planning in this written form, you have the power of the pen.?You can write things in and cross things out that explain your wishes.?
Choosing a proxy or surrogate is an important decision because you will be entrusting your very being to another person, he said. ?As Catholics, the surrogate we choose should know how to determine when to stop life-staining measures. The surrogate should also know that if we are facing death, the illness must have progressed to the stage of ?actively dying? before removing or denying treatment.
Often a surrogate is a person close to the patient and who will be strong enough to allow reason to take precedence over emotion too.? As Father Pacholczyk stated, ?Emotion should never be a substitute for sound moral thinking.?
Father Pacholczyk called the current debate in Massachusetts over the Nov. 6 ballot question that seeks to legalize prescribing medication to end life, a ?powerfully emotional topic.? On the so-called Death with Dignity Act, Catholic ethical and religious health care directives are very clear: ?Suicide and euthanasia are never morally acceptable options.?
Father Pacholczyk quoted Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, head of President Bush?s Council on Bioethics, on the issue.
?Assisted-suicide and euthanasia distort compassion. Compassion for the suffering and the sick is a normal human response and every society should foster that. But compassion can be distorted, especially in an age which Malcolm Muggeridge, an admirer of Sister Teresa (Blessed Mother Teresa), called the ?age of the humane holocaust built in the name of compassion.? Much harm has been perpetrated in the name of compassion.?True compassion cannot mean elimination of the sufferer to relieve suffering. It is not compassion but a species of moral abandonment to believe a patient is not worthwhile enough to be preserved,? Dr. Pellegrino said.
Father Pacholczyk went on to emphasize that euthanasia (or ?assisted suicide?) is actually a form of abandonment of those who are suffering.?He said that we need to raise the quality of life for the suffering, not ?give up? and end their life.
Suffering and dying is an invitation to journey with the person, he reminded the audience. The word compassion, he noted, comes from the Latin ?cum? and ?patio,? ?with? and ?suffering.?? We are called to suffer with the person, to console them.? By joining their solitude, the solitude ceases to exist; they are no longer alone.
The growth family and friends undergo through the dying process forms a community that is part of God?s plan for our life, which is actually only the beginning of a life with him.
?Dying well is such a grace and a stepping stone to a new life,? Father Pacholczyk said.

By Tanya Connor

Physician-assisted suicide doesn?t promote free choices or compassion, according to a speaker at Saturday?s conference at Assumption College.
Richard M. Doerflinger illustrated the latter point with this story of a debate he had on Fox News with Geoffrey Fieger, Dr. Jack Kevorkian?s attorney.
Dr. Kevorkian was known for helping patients die. Mr. Doerflinger is associate director of the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
??The difference between us is, I go in and I see somebody in a hospital bed with bed sores, lying in her own feces, gasping for breath and in pain and I say, ?Why do we have to be so cruel as to let this continue??? Mr. Doerflinger recalled the attorney telling him.
He said he replied, ?No, the difference between us is, what I would say if I saw that was: ?Clean this woman up. Fire the doctor. Get her in a better hospital. Where?s the nurse?? And you want to kill the victim.?
Listeners applauded Mr. Doerflinger.
?Why does physician-assisted suicide not promote free choices?? Mr. Doerflinger asked. He gave reasons cited in the bishops? ?To Live Each Day with Dignity: A Statement on Assisted Suicide.?
He spoke of the role of depression and mental illness as forms of slavery.
?This is not about so much the patients? choices,? he said. ?It?s about the decision society makes. ?
?Once you undermine the values of patients? lives, it inevitably means undermining respect for their other rights.?
Nearly 95 percent of people who kill themselves have been shown to have a diagnosable psychiatric illness; most suffer from depression, which can be treated, Mr. Doerflinger said, citing Dr. Herbert Hendin?s book ?Seduced by Death.?
With advanced illness and progressively impaired physical function, symptoms of severe depression rise to 77 percent, he said.?? ??We?re not giving people greater freedom generally to commit suicide,? he said of societal pressure. ?We?re saying ? there?s a class of people whose suicidal feelings should be prevented from being put into play, and there?s this other group whose suicidal feelings should be assisted and facilitated.?
?When you pass a law like that, you?re not just saying to those who have been champing at the bit to have assisted suicide ? ?OK, now we?ll let you have it,?? Mr. Doerflinger said. ?You?re creating a climate for everybody who faces those situations in the future, many, many thousands of people who don?t have that idea now but who are now going to go into a medical environment in which it is seen as rational and acceptable to have those suicidal feelings when they get this kind of diagnosis.?
Mr. Doerflinger said it has been easy in the Netherlands to move from voluntary to involuntary euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia was justified in the name of individual freedom, he said.
After doctors practice this for awhile and know what kinds of things lead patients to make choices, they develop their own ideas of who is a good candidate for euthanasia, he said.
He told of a doctor caring for a suffering nun who said, ?I knew her religion wouldn?t let her ask for euthanasia, so I just gave it to her.?
?The pressures upon people with disabilities to choose to end their lives and the insidious appropriation by others of the right to make that choice for them are already way too common in our society,? Mr. Doerflinger said. ?And this is a whole class of people ? who have been living with prejudice.?
Physician-assisted suicide can undermine efforts to marshall the needed resources and the will to ensure humane and dignified care for the terminally ill and severely disabled, Mr. Doerflinger said, and illustrated with the following.
Patients complain of doctors passing them by once they are diagnosed as terminal, he said, and added that it?s a natural human reaction to avoid getting attached to those about to die. But this undermines patients? need to have medical people be with them.
After Oregon?s physician-assisted suicide law took effect, the frequency of family reports of patients? moderate to severe pain rose from 30.8 percent to 48 percent, he said.
And a 1994 study found 185 palliative care centers in the United Kingdom, where physician-assisted suicide was illegal, and three in the Netherlands, where it was legal.
?So the key question for Massachusetts is, ?How does Question 2 ? address these concerns??? Mr. Doerflinger asked.
He responded by talking about the following problems.
It is difficult to determine when someone has six months left to live and that can change with treatment.
One witness to the patient?s request for suicide can be an heir and one can be chosen by the facility the patient is in.
The family need not be notified.
A psychiatric evaluation is optional, if the doctor decides the patient does not have impaired judgment.
Someone else can pick up the lethal drugs for the patient, and whoever is there can give him the drugs.
The doctor does not have to be present, but does all the reporting, and he is required to lie about the cause of death.

By Tanya Connor

Michael Freeland sought to end his life.
Barbara Wagner was trying to save hers.
Both lived in Oregon, where physician-assisted suicide is legal.
William L. Toffler, a professor of family medicine at Oregon Health & Science University told their stories to people in Worcester Saturday. A medical doctor, he was one of the speakers at the ?To Live Each Day with Dignity? conference held at Assumption College.
Seeking assisted suicide, Mr. Freeland mistakenly contacted Physicians for Compassionate Care, of which Dr. Toffler is co-founder and national director. He got more positive help there.
But Dr. Toffler said a doctor gave Mr. Freeland a prescription for an overdose, without addressing his pain or long history of depression. Once while he was hospitalized for depression and suicidal thoughts, police removed deadly weapons and ammunition from Mr. Freeland?s house, but not the deadly overdose. Because he had that life-ending medication, someone suggested that providing additional care when he went home from a mental hospital might be a moot point.
Because of the support he received from Physicians for Compassionate Care, Mr. Freeland decided against suicide, and died naturally after reconciling with his daughter, Dr. Toffler said.
By contrast, Ms. Wagner didn?t want to die, but was invited to consider suicide. Dr. Toffler showed a video of her story, part of which can be viewed on
Ms. Wagner said her doctor thought the chemotherapy drug Tarceva offered her hope. So she was shocked to get a letter from the Oregon Health Plan saying it could not approve this drug, but would pay for ?comfort care,? including assisted suicide.
Dr. Toffler, also interviewed in the video, said the state had a financial incentive: the chemotherapy drugs cost $4,000 per month; assisted suicide drugs cost less than $100.
Asked if it was cheaper to pay for someone to die than to help them live, the chairman of the commission that sets policy for the Oregon Health Plan said, ?That is not a question that we think about. We don?t think about investing our health care dollars in that way.? But he said if they invested thousands of dollars in ?one person?s days to weeks,? they would be taking those dollars away from someone.?? ??? ?Dr. Toffler talked about other situations in which the Oregon Health Plan won?t cover treatment.
?This is no longer theoretical for me,? he said, adding that his wife failed five different chemotherapy treatments, which she would not have received under this proviso. But by ?pushing the envelope? in seeking help, they may help others learn something. He used the example of billions of dollars spent for HIV research, saying that highly effective therapy has now been discovered.
Dr. Toffler raised questions for those seeking to legalize physician-assisted suicide here.
Why reserve it for those with only six months to live, if the aim is to eliminate suffering?
Why involve doctors and corrupt the medical profession, when veterinarians are already experts at putting animals to sleep? He told of a patient asking if the doctor who was not giving her hope was ?one of the death doctors.? That question wouldn?t have been asked 20 years ago, he said.
Why give pills? Lethal injection is more efficient and is used to execute people, he said. Is physician-assisted suicide acceptable on death row?
Despite everything, Dr. Toffler said, ?I really do have hope for the future.? He said God brings good even out of bad. He said he?s become a daily Mass attendant, having figured if he was more faithful he might help prevent assisted suicide in Oregon.
He didn?t, but he encouraged listeners to work to keep it out of Massachusetts. He said if each of them talked about the issue that day to five people they knew who might be ?waffling,? and got them to commit to talk about it to five others, before the election hundreds of thousands of people would have been contacted.
?I really encourage you to use your talents,? he said.

?Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services? and a statement on physician-assisted suicide, ?To Live Each Day with Dignity? by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
?A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions,? which includes an advance medical directive and a proxy designation form on the National Catholic Bioethics Center website.

For more information in Massachusetts Question 2
/ Physician-Assisted Suicide

Massachusetts residents with disabilities who oppose Question 2 on the 2012 state ballot, which would legalize assisted suicide.
Physicians for Compassionate Care oppose physician-assisted suicide and? promote compassionate care for severely-ill patients.


By Nancy Frazier O?Brien
Catholic News Service
WASHINGTON (CNS) ? The National Palliative Care Research Center estimates that 90 million Americans are living with serious or life-threatening illnesses and the number is expected to double over the next 25 years.
People nearing the end of life and their families often are confused about the options available to them in terms of pain control and about whether they have an obligation to use all of the life-prolonging technology available to them. These discussions are particularly lively among Catholics and in the West Coast states where physician-assisted suicide is a legal option.
In Washington, the latest state to legalize assisted suicide, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane offers an alternative way of dying. It provides ?comfort care suites? that allow family members to stay with their dying relative in a homelike environment.
Music thanatologists specially trained to soothe the seriously ill with their voices or the playing of harps are on staff. Health care professionals participate in education programs on palliative medicine and the ethical, moral and legal issues involved in end-of-life care. A meditation garden outside the hospital is open 24 hours a day and gives family members and patients who are well enough an opportunity to experience a peaceful area of waterfalls, streams and walking paths.
At TrinityKids Care, a pediatric hospice program in Torrance, Calif., teams made up of a pediatrician, a registered nurse, a clinical social worker, a chaplain, a home health aide and specially trained volunteers help dying children and their families make the most of their last days, whether at home or in a hospital or nursing home setting. Anything from household chores to looking after siblings can be part of the hospice program, and the team also offers family counseling and grief and bereavement services when needed.
These kinds of programs are duplicated throughout the country, but too few people know about them when the time comes for them to use them.
?Most palliative care patients come in late,? said Dr. Scott Miller, team physician at the Center for Compassionate Care in Pittsburgh. On average, his patients come in three weeks before their deaths, when they could have been receiving pain management, symptom control and comfort care for many months.
Tina Picchi, executive director of the Supportive Care Coalition in Hillsboro, Ore., believes that a big part of the problem comes from the misperception that ?palliative care equals hospice and is only for the end stages of life.?
Palliative care ?is appropriate for anyone living with a serious illness, regardless of the prognosis,? she said. ?It does not require people to limit their treatment options or to give up.?
The Supportive Care Coalition is made up of 22 Catholic health care member organizations, with more than 450 hospitals, nearly 300 long-term care facilities and numerous clinics, home health care services and hospices providing palliative care in 43 states.
?Our goal is to ensure that every Catholic health ministry has palliative care as a part of its core services ? so that we are known as much for palliative care as for our concern for the poor and vulnerable,? it says on the organization?s website.
The coalition was founded by three Catholic health systems in 1994 because, Picchi says, palliative care is a natural extension of the work of Catholic health care.
?At our very roots we have a very strong belief that life is sacred, every person is truly a treasure,? she said. ?From the very beginning of Catholic health care, this is the kind of health care that the religious sponsors modeled.
?The first thing that they did was to go out to the homes of people who were dying and provide very whole-person care ? physical, spiritual and emotional,? Picchi said. ?Palliative care is not just focused on the whole person, but the whole in terms of they and their loved ones together as a family unit. It really ought to be something that Catholic health care is taking a lead in.?
Ron Hamel, senior director of ethics at the Catholic Health Association in St. Louis, says palliative care might provide a welcome relief to a health care approach that has become too focused on what technology can do than on what a patient needs.
?Palliative care really in a sense is a return to those days when we didn?t have the technology to try to cure patients and were limited to providing relief of symptoms and companionship,? he said. ?We are so technologically driven today that it is difficult to step back from the technological imperative and see that there is another way to deal with those who are critically ill and dying.?
He places some blame on the way physicians are educated, but also believes that many patients have ?an inability to deal with their own finitude? and would benefit from a ?more positive statement about dying within a Christian context? from church leaders, followed by a parish-based educational effort.
Hamel also blames ?both the extreme right and the extreme left? for ?fostering misunderstanding about church teaching and tradition? about the end of life.
In contrast to the position that a patient must be kept alive ?at all costs,? he said, ?at the heart of the Catholic approach is to neither hasten death nor prolong life endlessly.? Patients and their loved ones must weigh the benefits and burdens of a particular treatment and are not morally required to continue treatment that is ?excessively burdensome or without benefit,? he added.
In some ways, Hamel said, palliative care is ?nothing new.?
?It?s a return to the kind of care that was provided to the critically ill prior to all this technology,? he said. ?It?s a return to our roots in the life and teaching of Jesus and in the early Christian community, which was marked by its care for the sick.?

By Nancy Frazier O?Brien
Catholic News Service
PITTSBURGH (CNS) ? Dr. Scott Miller remembers when he first decided to specialize in palliative care and hospice more than 20 years ago.
He was an intern and saw the disdain with which some attending physicians treated patients who could no longer benefit from the sophisticated medical technology that hospitals could offer.
??That?s an intern case,? they?d say. But we interns knew nothing,? Miller said. ?The patients deserved better. It was an emphasis on technology over compassion, and it cemented in my mind that we were doing this backward.?
For Dr. Myles Zuckerman, an interest in palliative care and hospice arose from watching his patients age and develop chronic or life-threatening diseases during his 27 years of private practice as a family physician.
?I saw that they needed extra support, and I started working part time? as a hospice physician, he said. Six years ago he gave up his private practice, and ?I haven?t looked back for a moment. I love that I am a part of this.?
Miller and Zuckerman both work now for Family Hospice and Palliative Care in Pittsburgh. Miller is team physician for the 12-bed inpatient Center for Compassionate Care in the Pittsburgh suburb of Mount Lebanon, while also providing medical care on an interim basis at a new 14-bed facility on the city?s East Side.
Zuckerman is chief medical officer, overseeing both inpatient and outpatient medical care. More than 80 percent of the 440 patients served last year received care only in their own homes, while 18.6 percent were admitted to the center at some point during the year.
But Family Hospice and Palliative Care ? founded in 1980 by St. Clair Hospital, South Hills Interfaith Ministries, Mercy Hospital and South Hills Health System ? offers much more than medical care.
The physicians are assisted by a multidisciplinary team that includes nurses, home health aides, social workers, spiritual care counselors, physical therapists, volunteers and even a 5-year-old golden retriever named Ivan.
A trained service animal, Ivan walks the halls of the Center for Compassionate Care looking for someone who might need a nuzzle or a quick game of tug of war with one of his many toys. He?s at the facility most days but goes home on the evenings and weekends with Rafael Sciullo, president and CEO of Family Hospice and Palliative Care.
Sally Bothe says her husband, Bill, 80, is a ?big dog lover? who has ?gotten a lot of pleasure? from visits by Ivan to his room. During a late August visit to the center, Bill Bothe was in the final stages of pulmonary fibrosis, a respiratory disease.
Although he had been diagnosed with the disease a year earlier, his decline came very rapidly, according to his wife of nearly 61 years. Bill danced at his grandson?s wedding in May, but when he tried to play golf after his return home, he found himself too weak to play more than a couple of holes.
With their children living in Connecticut and Indiana, the Bothes had no local family members to call on for assistance. After two hospitalizations in June and July, they turned to Family Hospice and Palliative Care for some help at home.
?We were hoping to get some help and guidance and reassurance,? Sally Bothe said. ?We got all that and much more.?
In addition to the presence of Ivan and the option for patients to receive visits from their own pets, the center offers a variety of what they call ?complementary therapies,? including music and art therapy, massage, aromatherapy and Reiki, a Japanese form of energy therapy that involves the laying on of hands. As patients anticipate the end of their lives, they get help in putting together a personal reflection, which can take the form of an audio, video or photo journal or a piece of art.
When Bill Bothe was released from the hospital but his oxygen levels needed continuous monitoring, he came to the Center for Compassionate Care. ?I felt like a load had been lifted off my shoulders,? said Sally Bothe. ?I was not in this alone.?
Britt Bothe, their son who lives in Connecticut, said coming to the facility also has eased his father?s fears of becoming a burden to his wife. ?It made it easier for Mom, and that made it easier for Dad,? he said.
He said his mother said it best when she said, ?It?s not the death; it?s the dying that?s tough.?
?This is new territory for everyone,? Britt Bothe said. ?But at least we?ve got this part covered.?




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Turn a Broken Laptop Motherboard Into a Silent Home Server

By Whitson Gordon

We?ve often sung the praises of having your own home server for quiet backup, torrenting, and other services. But, if you don?t want to build a new computer, DIYer Darknezz shows us how he put together a home server out of nothing but a broken laptop?s motherboard.

November Astrological Predictions ? Featuring Scorpio | The ...

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WOW!! ?What a month ~ 2 Eclipses and Mercury Retrograde!!

Planetary Picture: ? ? ??

11/6 ~ Mercury Stations Retrograde!! ?On Election Day no less ~ This could present all kinds of problems with the vote count or just simply the malfunctions of the machines ~ Stay tuned!!

11/10 ~ Neptune Stations Direct at 0 degrees Pisces ? ??

11/13 ~ NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE a 22 degrees Scorpio! Mercury retrogrades back into Scorpio ? ??

11/16 ~ Mars enters Capricorn ? ??

11/21 ~ The Sun enters Sagittarius; Venus enters Scorpio ? ??

11/26 ~ Mercury Stations Direct at 18 degrees Scorpio ? ??

11/28 ~ FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE at 6 degrees Gemini! ? ??? ? ? ? ?

If you know your Moon and Ascendant/Rising sign read those forecasts too. ?Especially refer to your Rising sign for relationship issues.?? ? ?


Happy Solar Return to the deep, discerning, and determined Scorpion/Eagle!! ?This promises to be a life changing year as Fate and Destiny enter your sign from 2 different sides, and a Solar Eclipse promises new developments with real estate and relationships!! ?Beware, though, Eclipses can expose those tightly held secrets? Mercury dips back into Scorpio mid-month offering a chance at damage control. ? ??

Work and health remain unpredictable. ?Look to the unconventional. ?Creativity is reborn and a Lunar Eclipse draws attention to investments and inheritances ~ Profitable this year! ?Scrutiny benefits all financial affairs, especially the first half of November. ?The last half brings the focus back to family and community drama. ?Channel energy wisely when preparing to speak your mind. ? ? ?

Love and support come from behind the scenes. ?Don?t be afraid to embrace it!?


The Solar Eclipse excites the Ram?s mutual resources and intimate affairs. ?Mercury Retrograde calls for careful examination of joint profits and expenditures, especially those related to foreign, Spiritual, legal, and higher educational endeavors. ?The Lunar Eclipse favors reconnecting with family and community.


The Bull sees major changes in their relationships courtesy of the Solar Eclipse! ?Mercury Retrograde emphasizes revisiting intimate secrets and shared assets. ?The Lunar Eclipse stirs up individual finances ~ for better or worse!?


The Twins finish up a 2 year cycle with this Lunar Eclipse. ?Personal transformation is reflected in big adjustments to partnerships and domestic arrangements. ?The Solar Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde impress the need for work or health modifications. ?A second opinion won?t hurt.


The Solar Eclipse sees the Crab experiencing a romantic and creative awakening of their inner child. ?Mercury Retrograde encourages reflecting on past experiences before making future decisions ~ keeping their well being in mind. ?The Lunar Eclipse revives the imagination!? ?

LEO ? ??

The Lion shakes up their ?den? with this Solar Eclipse. ?Mercury Retrograde calls for fine-tuning the home and family sector, especially where children are concerned. ?The Lunar Eclipse reignites friendships.? ? ? ??


The Solar Eclipse sets fire to the Virgin?s communication and transportation sector. ?Mercury Retrograde demands caution with everything from driving to thinking, speaking and writing, particularly when it comes to family. ?The Lunar Eclipse offers renewed success with public or professional endeavors!

LIBRA ? ? ?

The Scales are called to reevaluate their personal finances with this Solar Eclipse. ?Income adjustments are possible and close attention should be paid to community affairs. ?The Lunar Eclipse revitalizes Spiritual, philosophical or long distance journeys.


The Archer ducks for cover as the Solar Eclipse exposes what lies beneath! ?Mercury Retrograde warns against foot in mouth gossip. ?The Lunar Eclipses reawakens relationships.? ??


The Goat may choose to alter their ?wish list? with the Solar Eclipse. ?Mercury Retrograde encourages reevaluating associates and uncovering colleagues true intentions. ?The Lunar Eclipse rejuvenates the work and health sector.??


The Solar Eclipse lands in the Water Bearer?s career sector creating room for necessary changes. ?Mercury Retrograde favors reconnecting and reviewing over starting something brand new. ?The Lunar Eclipse rekindles romance and/or creativity.? ? ?


The Dual Fish feel the Solar Eclipse stimulate legal, learning, travel, philosophical or Spiritual affairs. ?Mercury Retrograde says to reassess goals in relation to all of the above, especially as they relate to ones profession. ?The Lunar Eclipse restores faith in family.


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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Info Technologies | Certification Intelligence - Erasmoluna88's blog

Info technologies news and technical info pertaining to certification intelligence for exam education is the main purpose of this article. Many men and women do not know the difference in between personal computer education and certification exam instruction. I would like to inform every person what the differences are. Computer training is classroom education with scheduled courses or online instruction about the career field pertaining to details technology. Let me clarify! You may want to turn into a Server Administrator. To begin with you will need to have some education someplace in order to be knowledgeable about the subject and maybe acquire a two or four-year degree or get some online instruction with a qualified instructor. You could just want to take a couple of courses and get a certificate in this field. This would be viewed as computer education.

Info technologies certification intelligence on exam coaching is what you need to have in order to be totally prepared to pass your certification exam. Immediately after personal computer instruction you might have a degree or a certificate but you still do not have a certification that is recognized by Microsoft, CIW and CompTia or any other. If you have personal computer instruction that qualifies you to be a Server Administrator then you will want to get certified in Microsoft, CIW or CISCO. Certification exam coaching concentrates on preparing you to pass your certification exam. An IT Certification exam is unlike any other exam that you have had in college or school. There are two very important items to think about when preparing for a certification exam. They are the appropriate study approach and having relevant material that pertains to the actual exam that is up to date with the present market place.

There are only a handful of places online that provide Certification exam education. The cause I wrote this write-up is to give news and info about the very best resources on certification exam instruction. There are numerous students of details technology that want this information because they are severe about passing their certification exam on the extremely 1st attempt. This write-up is not about selling but about helping these who are not informed about Certification exam education.
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One more objective of this article is education concerning info technologies certification. There are many colleges and online education about data engineering that will prepare you for a specific subject or field but there are but a handful of places exactly where you can discover data technology certification intelligence on exam education.
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Say you want to turn out to be a Computer Technician and you study at a college or receive online training so that you are knowledgeable about that field and obtain a diploma or certificate in that location but you nonetheless are not certified until you take a certification exam. Even following graduation you will require to schedule an IT certification exam with prometric or pearsonvue in order to be certified in the field that you desire.

How several areas do you know exactly where you can get coaching on how to pass your details engineering certification exam. Exam education is not the same as pc education. You will require understanding of how to study for your certification exam and to know the appropriate study methods simply because an IT exam is not the exact same as the exams in school. You will also require to know where to get updated material about your certification exam since if you are studying material that is outdated then you will not pass your certification exam. Certification exam coaching is important if you strategy on passing your certification exam the 1st time so you can keep away from 2nd and 3rd exam fees.

Some people might already be working on the job in the profession that they wish, such as a Server Administrator, Desktop Help Technician or a Computer Repair Technician. They might have had prior training prior to employment but have never acquired a certification. They most likely know their job and are very knowledgeable about their operate and field but need to have a certification simply because their employer needs it. They do not need to have any pc coaching. They only want Certification exam instruction so they can pass their certification exam. I hope you get the image now. Seeking for a excellent resource then visit: microsoft certification training


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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Death toll from meningitis outbreak hits 28 nationwide


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Monday, October 29, 2012

How To Find And Buy The Right Real Estate | Eric Chua : Life - First

With all there is to consider, location, financing, inspections and more, the home buying game can make a sane person nutty. Learning home buying tricks can make your experience more successful.

When buying foreclosed properties, hire a good attorney who specializes in real estate. You are going to want to have legal representation just in case there are any issues that occur during a foreclosure acquisition. A good legal eye can spot problems and solve them, saving you money overall.

If you are seriously considering buying a home, take the time to measure it. You need to make sure public records for square footage match the listing. The two numbers should be within 100 square feet of each other; if they do not match, either reconsider buying the property, or figure out what is going on.

TIP! An approval in-hand makes you look that much better from the seller?s perspective. Waiting for approval can cost more and will stretch out the process of buying the property.

If you?re looking to buy a home, it?s imperative you don?t base your decision on the home?s decor. Practical things, like structural integrity, location and functionality need to take precedence in your decision. If you buy for decor, you may overlook a serious problem that can cost you later.

If the home you are purchasing is just for yourself, it is wise to take along someone who has home buying experience. Many people may notice things in the homes that are wrong that you may not have. Let them ask your realtor questions too.

TIP! It?s time to search for a new home, but you need to locate a qualified, knowledgable real estate agent. Interview a few agents to find a trustworthy one who understands your needs.

Get a warranty for your home from the seller. When purchasing a new home, either from the builder, or an older home from the previous owner, ask for a warranty. New home builders normally offer protection for one to three years. For older homes, you can ask the previous owner to give you a warranty to cover any repairs that may come up.

Be aware of developments in the pre-foreclosure market. If you aren?t in any hurry to buy an investment property, then choosing a pre-foreclosure property could be a smart investment. Properties considered in per-foreclosure is any property in which the payments are delinquent. You can find a list of the potential pre-foreclosures from a lender, or you may create an ad that you will buy any homes for cash. However you find owners of pre-foreclosures, find out what the owner owes, and make an offer that is a couple thousand dollars above that amount. This can provide you with a great bargain, because the amount of money that most people owe is substantially less than the home?s market value.

Now is the perfect time to start investing in real estate. Property values are now at a low since the market has crashed. If you are financially secure, seize your chance to get a great piece of property at a low price. If you keep your property long enough, you are sure to gain a profit.

TIP! When you are talking to a real estate agent about buying a property, ask them if they live in the area. For those unfamiliar with the area, advice about the roads or neighborhood itself will be sparse.

If you?re buying real estate, seek the guidance of a broker or real estate agent. Real estate pros have tools and insights that may be difficult for you to access. Useful tools that brokers often have make use of specialized software to search and sort listings on MLS. This specialized software makes your search for a new home more efficient and ensures that you don?t miss any listings.

This advice will be a perfect way to get started in the home buying process. The suggestions can help you avoid making common mistakes of first time home buyers. Hopefully this information will allow you to enjoy your new purchase.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Video: Kroger CEO Details Expansion Plans

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Family shocked at Bangladeshi's arrest in NY plot

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) ? A Bangladeshi man accused of trying to bomb the Federal Reserve building in New York City is a banker's son from a middle class neighborhood whose family members said Thursday that they were stunned by his arrest.

The FBI arrested 21-year-old Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis on Wednesday after he tried to detonate a fake 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) car bomb, according to a criminal complaint.

Prosecutors said Nafis traveled to the U.S. on a student visa in January to carry out an attack.

His family said Thursday that Nafis was incapable of such actions.

"My son can't do it," his father, Quazi Ahsanullah, said as he wept in his home in the Jatrabari neighborhood in north Dhaka.

"He is very gentle and devoted to his studies," he said, pointing to Nafis' time at the private North South University in Dhaka.

However, Belal Ahmed, a spokesman for the university, said Nafis was a terrible student who was put on probation and threatened with expulsion if he didn't bring his grades up. Nafis eventually just stopped coming to school, Ahmed said.

Ahsanullah said his son convinced him to send him to America to study, arguing that with a U.S. degree he had a better chance at success in Bangladesh.

"I spent all my savings to send him to America," he said.

He called on the government to "get my son back home."

Bangladesh does not have the same record of involvement in global terror as Pakistan, with which it once formed a nation before winning its independence in 1971. At least one Bangladeshi was among those detained by the U.S. at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I'm Gluttonously, but you can call me Gluttony, Glutton, Glut or Glutty.

I came here from looking for some more mature roleplays. Chicken Smoothie is nice when you want a little bit of innocence, but sometimes you just need that taste of maturity.

I've also joined this site many, MANY times in the past. I'm assuming about 3 or 4 times. But I never really got down to roleplaying because I've been so nervous from the amount of professionalism on this site. Though I'm here for good to conquer this fear!

I am here to participate in the Death Matches/Battle Colosseum (it's been awhile, I forgot) for the most part~

Ahh, some stuff about me that's not in my bio: First let's start out and say I'm not as cool in real life as I am in my world of fiction. I believe that goes for everyone. Though, I must admit, in real life I have my hair dyed unnatural colors and I dress very aristocratically. So, I suppose in a way I am cool. (pssst not really)
I really love animals and I have a dream of owning a corgi named Twinkie and a Scottish Fold cat named Dark Lord of All (Darky for short).
I lovelovelove anime. Whenever I RP, I think of it in anime form. It just really gets my adrenaline going to imagine it in such an attractive art style. But that's just me.

Anyway, I am ALWAYS looking for new RP partners, AND friends! Please don't be afraid to approach me and befriend me, I really do not bite. (Believe me, I'm as lame as the rest of us roleplay dorks)

Thank you for your time <3

~ Gluttonously


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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Russian judges defend ruling in Pussy Riot trial

RETRANSMISSION FOR ALTERNATIVE CROP - Feminist punk group Pussy Riot members, from left, Maria Alekhina, Yekaterina Samutsevich, center, and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova sit in a glass cage at a court room in Moscow, Wednesday. Oct. 10, 2012. Moscow appeals court freed Yekaterina Samutsevich of jailed band Pussy Riot but upheld a prison sentence for Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina. The judge ruled that Yekaterina Samutsevich's sentence should be suspended because she was thrown out of the cathedral by guards before she could take part in the performance.(AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev)

RETRANSMISSION FOR ALTERNATIVE CROP - Feminist punk group Pussy Riot members, from left, Maria Alekhina, Yekaterina Samutsevich, center, and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova sit in a glass cage at a court room in Moscow, Wednesday. Oct. 10, 2012. Moscow appeals court freed Yekaterina Samutsevich of jailed band Pussy Riot but upheld a prison sentence for Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina. The judge ruled that Yekaterina Samutsevich's sentence should be suspended because she was thrown out of the cathedral by guards before she could take part in the performance.(AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev)

Freed feminist punk group Pussy Riot member Yekaterina Samutsevich speaks outside a court in Moscow, Wednesday Oct. 10, 2012. A Moscow appeals court on Wednesday unexpectedly freed one of the jailed Pussy Riot members, but upheld the two-year prison sentence for the two others jailed for an irreverent protest against President Vladimir Putin. The Moscow City Court ruled that Yekaterina Samutsevich?s sentence should be suspended because she was thrown out of the cathedral by guards before she could remove her guitar from its case and take part in the performance. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev)

A policeman watches band member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova speaking on a TV screen in a hall outside a court room of the Moscow City Court where three members of the punk band Pussy Riot are set to make their case before a Russian appeals court that they should not be imprisoned, in Moscow, Wednesday. Oct. 10, 2012. Their impromptu performance inside Moscow's main cathedral in February came shortly before Putin was elected to a third term. The three women were convicted in August of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred and sentenced to two years in prison. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev)

(AP) ? The Russian judges who ruled to keep two of the three Pussy Riot band members behind bars took the unusual step of publicly defending their decision, saying Thursday that it was made independently and without pressure.

A panel of three judges at the Moscow City Court on Wednesday upheld a lower court ruling to send Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina to prison for two years, but they released Yekaterina Samutsevich after giving her a suspended sentence.

Pussy Riot staged an impromptu punk performance at Moscow's main cathedral in February in protest against President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church hierarchy for openly supporting his rule. The three women were convicted of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred, but they insist that their protest was political in nature and not an attack on religion.

The case has caused controversy in Russia and been widely condemned in the West, which may have prompted the judges to speak out.

The presiding judge said the appeals court deemed it necessary for Tolokonnikova and Alekhina to remain incarcerated.

"The court has considered all the circumstances of the case and the level of danger to society and ruled that their correction is possible only in isolation from society," Larisa Polyakova said.

She said the fact that the women both have a small child was taken into account at the lower court, which handed down two-year sentences on a charge that carries a maximum punishment of seven years in prison.

Polyakova said the leniency for Samutsevich reflected "her degree of participation" in the crime.

Samutsevich's lawyer made the case at the appeals hearing that her client should be treated differently because she had been nabbed by security guards and taken out of the cathedral before she was able to join other band members in the performance.

The Pussy Riot trial has become a symbol of Putin's crackdown on dissent since returning to the presidency in May after four years as prime minister. Just days before the appeals hearing, Putin said he thought the lower court had been right to hand down a two-year prison term, a statement that defense lawyers said would put pressure on the court.

Polyakova insisted that the judges were not influenced by Putin's statements and made the decision "that we thought was necessary."

"There has never been any pressure on us in this case," she said.

Associated Press


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Kaspersky Small Office Security (KSOS 2): Specially design to ...

Kaspersky Lab recently announced the release of the second version of Kaspersky Small Office Security (KSOS 2), a solution specially designed in response to the security needs of small businesses. These are companies that have at least five PC users and above that may not have dedicated IT personnel but need a high level of customizable security.

The updated solution is so simple to configure that it can be set-up and administered from a single PC without prior training. It also provides optimal security for small business computer infrastructure and data, with minimal impact on system resources while being affordable even for companies with tiny IT budgets.

Why SOHOs need KSOS 2
According to a research done by B2B International in collaboration with Kaspersky Lab, 41% of companies surveyed globally are not prepared for cyber-threats and 31% of its IT specialists are not fully aware of today?s Trojans.

This survey serves as a wake-up call for micro and small enterprises in the Philippines as the sector makes up more than 99% of registered businesses in the country, which contributes 61.2% of the country?s total employment and 35.7 % of total value added. Small office/home office (SOHO) businesses have also started to use technology as a means to improve efficiency, especially as they scale up their operations.

According to Kaspersky Lab SEA Channel Sales Director Jimmy Fong, there has been a disconnect in products available for small businesses and the needs, challenges and resources within these companies themselves which makes the introduction of Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 timely.

?For too long, small companies have been offered security products that are scaled down from enterprise level versions, which while providing excellent protection often required a trained IT resource person to manage the network.

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 is the most complete security product for SOHOs in the Philippines. We?re providing a solution that would put small entrepreneurs at ease especially as their business grows. The KSOS 2 solution is priced within range of even the smallest companies and should be well-received,? he said.

?As local SOHOs innovate, protecting their proprietary data and intellectual properties from being stolen or leaked becomes as important as keeping their network protected from external malware attacks. Keeping data backed up and secured takes on greater importance. Couple this with the death of IT resource personnel, and it becomes clear that SOHOs require a solution that is easy to manage without training, comprehensive, customizable and that gets the job done, making KSOS 2 a perfect choice,? Fong explained.

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2?s Wider Distribution
?We are making it easier for small businesses to get Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 by widening our distribution channel through the B2B channel. This is because small businesses in this region usually purchase based on recommendation and advice from distributors. The first edition was only offered online, a model that worked well in Europe and the United States, but was not as popular in the South East Asian region. With the new distribution model, we expect to see healthy demand for the Kaspersky Small Office Security 2,? Fong detailed.

What?s New in Kaspersky Small Office Security 2
Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 delivers award-winning antivirus and Internet security adding server protection, back-up, encryption, web-use policy and password management for critical small business safety. The solution protects servers and workstations running on Windows OS, which is the operating system of choice for many small businesses.

Back-Up Tools
?Flexible backup tools, which have been integrated into the product for the first time, help to prevent the leakage of financial data, client information and other valuable records in the event of computer failures and employee errors. Any file that was lost or erroneously modified can be retrieved from the storage with just a couple of mouse clicks,? Fong said, adding that the backup feature offered protection against human error as well as software and hardware problems.

?It is not just external threats, small businesses also need to be prepared for leakage and loss of information from within. KSOS 2 includes an effective encryption system: all confidential corporate information can be encrypted using a strong algorithm to provide reliable data protection which can be securely transferred using a USB device or email and can be opened provided the correct password is inserted,? he said.

Password Manager
Kaspersky Small Office Security 2?s includes a Password Manager to keep the user?s digital identity secure, while a tune-up feature optimizes the system?s performance.

?With Kaspersky Small Office Security 2, the entire small business network can be managed from a single networked PC. Using the administration console, the security status of any corporate computer can be checked, detected problems can be resolved remotely, the Wi-Fi can be monitored and recommendations can be received on fixing vulnerabilities. Additionally, product license management, backup tasks and malware scanning of one or more computers can all be performed without the user having to leave their desk through wizards. This is what we mean by ease of use ? no training required,? Fong explained.

Get off Facebook and Back to Work!
The University of Maryland?s Smith School of Business and Network Solutions carried out a survey in 2010 that revealed that employees at small companies spend up to 24% of their working hours on social networks.

Fong pointed out that the loss of productivity due to time spent on social networks would be especially evident in small businesses.

?With KSOS 2?s Web Policy Management feature, employers can make their team more productive by setting internet, computer and messaging policies that can help employees focus on work rather than be distracted through social networks. It can also be useful for preventing confidential data disclosure,? he said.

?We have developed this product specifically to cater to the needs of smaller businesses, some of which may not have a dedicated IT specialist,? said Fong.

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 ensures complete protection, uses only negligible system resources and requires minimal system management time. The updated solution offers affordable protection without the need to be an IT expert.?

Manage to Manage
?It is all about efficiency and manageability. Employers can now control file downloading in order to manage their internet connection bandwidth, block pages with inappropriate contents and ensure that all policies are compliant to legal requirements,? he added.

Pricing and Availability in the Philippines
Types of license package available will be:

  • 10-user license + 1 file server license ? PHP 14,700.00 (1 yr) | PHP 22,700.00 (2 yrs)
  • 15-user license + 2 file server licenses ? PHP 20,700.00 (1 yr) | PHP 31,300.00 (2 yrs)
  • 25-user license + 3 file server licenses ? PHP32,800.00 (1 yr) | PHP 49,400.00 (2 yrs)

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