If you've watched any 24-hour news networks in the past year, you probably already know that Twitter is getting more and more popular.
A few clicks to follow the right people and suddenly you quite literally have your finger on the pulse!
But it turns out tweets aren't just getting more prevalent — they're also getting shorter! Researchers at the University of The Philippines found that since the creation of the 140-character social networking tool, messages have dropped in average length.
Ch-ch-check out the pic (below) to see the totally scientific graphical evidence of our declining tweeting patterns.
Yeah, we don't fully understand it either. What's important is why?
The researchers' guess is that we're just getting better at Twitter. People are getting used to writing in fewer than 140 characters so they're reaching the limit fewer times.
We're also using a lot more jargon, text-speak, abbreviations, and emoticons. So we went from "I love you" to "I luv u" to simply "<3".
Are U writing shorter tweets?
P.S. CLICK HERE to "follow" Perez on Twitter!
P.P.S. CLICK HERE to "like" Perez on Facebook!
[Image via Twitter.]
Tags: average, researchers, shorter, social networking, tech talk, tweets, twitter, university of the philippines
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