Saturday, November 3, 2012

November Astrological Predictions ? Featuring Scorpio | The ...

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From your Astro Insider?Kerry Fezza?? 2012

Kerry Fezza, Astrologer


Kerry Fezza is a Las Vegas based International Intuitive, Tarot Card Reader and Astrologer. ?She is available for Private and Public Parties, Events, Classes/Workshops, Readings, Psychic Fairs and Charity Functions. Kerry can be reached at ? She is a licensed professional in the Psychic Arts with a background in Hospitality and Entertainment. ?Please check her out at! ? ? ? ??

Kerry is now taking bookings for Holiday Parties and Events: Book 1 hour and get 1 hour free! ? Please email her at ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ??

WOW!! ?What a month ~ 2 Eclipses and Mercury Retrograde!!

Planetary Picture: ? ? ??

11/6 ~ Mercury Stations Retrograde!! ?On Election Day no less ~ This could present all kinds of problems with the vote count or just simply the malfunctions of the machines ~ Stay tuned!!

11/10 ~ Neptune Stations Direct at 0 degrees Pisces ? ??

11/13 ~ NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE a 22 degrees Scorpio! Mercury retrogrades back into Scorpio ? ??

11/16 ~ Mars enters Capricorn ? ??

11/21 ~ The Sun enters Sagittarius; Venus enters Scorpio ? ??

11/26 ~ Mercury Stations Direct at 18 degrees Scorpio ? ??

11/28 ~ FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE at 6 degrees Gemini! ? ??? ? ? ? ?

If you know your Moon and Ascendant/Rising sign read those forecasts too. ?Especially refer to your Rising sign for relationship issues.?? ? ?


Happy Solar Return to the deep, discerning, and determined Scorpion/Eagle!! ?This promises to be a life changing year as Fate and Destiny enter your sign from 2 different sides, and a Solar Eclipse promises new developments with real estate and relationships!! ?Beware, though, Eclipses can expose those tightly held secrets? Mercury dips back into Scorpio mid-month offering a chance at damage control. ? ??

Work and health remain unpredictable. ?Look to the unconventional. ?Creativity is reborn and a Lunar Eclipse draws attention to investments and inheritances ~ Profitable this year! ?Scrutiny benefits all financial affairs, especially the first half of November. ?The last half brings the focus back to family and community drama. ?Channel energy wisely when preparing to speak your mind. ? ? ?

Love and support come from behind the scenes. ?Don?t be afraid to embrace it!?


The Solar Eclipse excites the Ram?s mutual resources and intimate affairs. ?Mercury Retrograde calls for careful examination of joint profits and expenditures, especially those related to foreign, Spiritual, legal, and higher educational endeavors. ?The Lunar Eclipse favors reconnecting with family and community.


The Bull sees major changes in their relationships courtesy of the Solar Eclipse! ?Mercury Retrograde emphasizes revisiting intimate secrets and shared assets. ?The Lunar Eclipse stirs up individual finances ~ for better or worse!?


The Twins finish up a 2 year cycle with this Lunar Eclipse. ?Personal transformation is reflected in big adjustments to partnerships and domestic arrangements. ?The Solar Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde impress the need for work or health modifications. ?A second opinion won?t hurt.


The Solar Eclipse sees the Crab experiencing a romantic and creative awakening of their inner child. ?Mercury Retrograde encourages reflecting on past experiences before making future decisions ~ keeping their well being in mind. ?The Lunar Eclipse revives the imagination!? ?

LEO ? ??

The Lion shakes up their ?den? with this Solar Eclipse. ?Mercury Retrograde calls for fine-tuning the home and family sector, especially where children are concerned. ?The Lunar Eclipse reignites friendships.? ? ? ??


The Solar Eclipse sets fire to the Virgin?s communication and transportation sector. ?Mercury Retrograde demands caution with everything from driving to thinking, speaking and writing, particularly when it comes to family. ?The Lunar Eclipse offers renewed success with public or professional endeavors!

LIBRA ? ? ?

The Scales are called to reevaluate their personal finances with this Solar Eclipse. ?Income adjustments are possible and close attention should be paid to community affairs. ?The Lunar Eclipse revitalizes Spiritual, philosophical or long distance journeys.


The Archer ducks for cover as the Solar Eclipse exposes what lies beneath! ?Mercury Retrograde warns against foot in mouth gossip. ?The Lunar Eclipses reawakens relationships.? ??


The Goat may choose to alter their ?wish list? with the Solar Eclipse. ?Mercury Retrograde encourages reevaluating associates and uncovering colleagues true intentions. ?The Lunar Eclipse rejuvenates the work and health sector.??


The Solar Eclipse lands in the Water Bearer?s career sector creating room for necessary changes. ?Mercury Retrograde favors reconnecting and reviewing over starting something brand new. ?The Lunar Eclipse rekindles romance and/or creativity.? ? ?


The Dual Fish feel the Solar Eclipse stimulate legal, learning, travel, philosophical or Spiritual affairs. ?Mercury Retrograde says to reassess goals in relation to all of the above, especially as they relate to ones profession. ?The Lunar Eclipse restores faith in family.


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